Friday, May 23, 2014

Sew Along Week 2 - Wonky Plus Block

Welcome back!

This week we are going to be working on our wonky plus blocks.  In the original quilt, I did one positive and one negative block of each colour, except my orange.  Feel free to use any combination of colours in your quilt, remember there are no rules!!

Each block uses a 6" square and a 1" strip of contrasting fabric

Now take your ruler (or free hand if you're feeling brave!!) and cut your first two lines going in the same direction, but at any angle you like.  

Using your 1" strip, cut the approximate length of your block (it will be more than 6") and using your 1/4 inch seam, sew those strips in, remembering to press. (On this block it is helpful to press seams open)
Then, it's time to chop again!! Two more lines in the opposite direction, and then time to piece in two more 1" strips.
I like to put my strip on the bottom, so I can watch my seams and make sure none of them flip.
When it's time to match up my pieces, I take extra care, watching where the crosses intersect.  I will often approximate my quarter inch seam, and fold over and look at how it lines up.

Press open, and enjoy your block!  If it's really square, you can just trim your ends, if things didn't line up perfectly, trim your block to 5 1/2" square (remember if you trim one, trim them all!)
Try to make sure you have a variety in the directions and angles of your lines, it will make your quilt more visually interesting.

Have fun, happy sewing, I'll get to work on the next part!
Remember if you have questions, ask away!!  Share what you've been doing here, on our Facebook group or over on the flickr page!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, is there any chance to see your pattern for face masks?
