I'm not the tidiest seamstress/crafter.
My fabric stash gets pulled out, rummaged through and flung back on the shelf (not the store fabric of course!!)
Now, I've cut into these little bits over and over and over and only have scraps left of some, but of my favorite prints that I know I'll use in a quilt project sooner or later!
So... my question is, how do you store your scraps?
Cause I mean I know you all have lovely organized stashed of colour sorted fabrics all exactly 6" cause you've wrapped them around the ruler.
Me? This is my current style, keeping in mind this photo was taken AFTER cleaning! lol
Just found your site today, from Jelly Roll Quilters site. I don't know if you'll be able to see this pic or not, because my FB account is private, but I roll up my scraps and actually all my other fabric too, because pretty much I don't have much fabric that is bigger than a yard https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=226994&l=3888c8ea1f&id=1492941348 and this one https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=226995&l=a6b78377d5&id=1492941348