I've been meaning to blog for ages, and yet I never seem to get around to it. It's not that I'm BUSY, just that there always seems to be something else to do. But, for the moment, I don't have a quilt up on the design wall (it's so WHITE!!) and a quiet moment to myself at the hotel.
I've been doing lots of piecing while I've been in Prince Rupert, although not a lot of "sewing" or "quilting". I have a laptop bag that desperately needs to be finished, as it's future owner is waiting for it. I also have a few boxes of U.F.O's that I need to get to (although i don't think it's terrible... one children's quilt, one blue & grey quilt & a Summer Sampler - more in a future blog)
That being said, I have completed the front & back of my solids quilt!! Finally!! (Coralee, I'm sending it with James to you... no rush, we'll talk!) I'm not quite as happy with the back as I was hoping, but it was all a bit freehand and random and hopefully I'll LOVE it when I get it back from the fabulous Coralee. I haven't decided how to bind it yet... suggestions??